Friday, January 18, 2013

Give It A Chance!

Recently I was in one of my favorite thrift stores when I spotted this pitiful little table.

It had a cute, basic design but had been through bad times! The legs are made of  real wood but the top was made out of "fake" or manufactured wood.  Previous owners had apparently set glasses on the top without using coasters and the top had bubbled up because of the moisture. 

I walked by the table a couple of times but finally decided to give it a chance!  I hauled it home and a couple of days later pulled out my electric hand sander and worked on trying to smooth out the top.  I had never tried to sand down manufactured wood before/ but because I only paid a few dollars for the table, I knew I didn't have much to lose even if it didn't work out.

I sanded until smooth and paid special attention to the bubbled up areas to make sure they got smoothed down as much as possible.  I sanded the entire top to make sure the surface was even.

I painted the entire table with two coats of ASCP in French Linen and painted the hardware with a light coat of ASCP Old White.  After applying a coat of clear wax to both the table and the hardware it was buffed to a nice sheen.
 I placed the table in my space at Old South and it sold within two days!  Proof that sometimes things turn out better than you could have imagined if you just give them a chance.

Linked to:
 The Shabby Nest

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