Friday, November 23, 2012

Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint

I'm a huge fan of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and use it for most of the furniture and other items I repaint.  There are three stockists/retailers "near" me and they all are approximately an hour and a half away.  Slightly inconvenient but so worth it once I have the paint in my hands!  But I've been wanting to try Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint since it became available three or four months ago.  But again, the closest retailer is an hour and a half way. 

There is a shop that I'd been wanting to visit that is almost two (yep two!) hours away from me.  It sells both ASCP and MMS so I used that as an excuse for a short road trip.  And I'm wanting to try MMS paint so much that I will drive that far.  At least once.

Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint generally gives a more "chippy" look and ASCP gives a more "European" finish.  There are some furniture pieces I paint that I just really want to have a shabbier look without having to sand and distress, so Miss Mustard Seed sounds perfect for those.

This is what I came home with:

Yes, the paint is in boxes!  MMS paints are powder and you only mix what you will use for each project.  I purchased three colors, the bonding agent, furniture wax and antiquing wax.  While I was out on my little road trip, I also stopped by a thrift store and picked up an old blender for mixing the paint and at another place I found a piece of furniture to try the paint out on.  I can't wait to get started.   I'll share the final project and how I like MMS paints very soon!

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